The actor Mel Gibson has made a film about the Crucifixion of Jesus. I am told that he sees most...
Today’s readings, especially the gospel reading, are strangely appropriate for us today in St. Mary’s, at this time in our... News Editor Patrick J. O’Donoghue writes: Closing the Venezuelan Roman Catholic Plenary Council, Cardinal Jorge Urosa Savino says the...
One of the loveliest presents you can give a child is a prism. Not only does it teach the physics...
Trinity 4 sermon by The Very Reverend Roger Dawson, Bishop of St. Mary’s Anglican Catholic Cathedral, Caracas Today’s readings, especially the...
While church-state relations in Venezuela are improving, the country’s bishops still have serious concerns over issues such as the growing...
Knowing god Do you remember what it was like at school? What I remember is the smell of the classroom,...
Last week Jan and I went to the Christmas concert at Emil Friedman’s Music School. I can’t remember if it...
I am reading a biography of John Adams, the 18th century American leader who played a vital role in the...
We can be certain of one thing and that is we are not perfect human beings. Some are very imperfect...
I want you to see the Bible with new eyes. I want you to be able to read it with...