Greetings, fellow believers! In the magnificent book that is our sacred Bible, we find one verse that resonates powerfully with...
Dating apps have become increasingly popular in the modern world. They offer an opportunity for individuals to connect, meet and...
The writer of Luke’s gospel wastes no time in getting to his theme of spreading the gospel message to a...
Do you make New Year resolutions? Do you decide what things are wrong in your life and then plan to...
In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, we sometimes overlook an astounding truth, a truth that never falters,...
Greetings, Brothers and Sisters in Christ! Isn’t a Christian marriage an incredibly splendid thing? It’s a heavenly union, sanctioned by...
If there was ever a time in history when Christians were confused about what to believe, it is now. Looking...
It was no accident, or a nice thing to say when we came to the last few lines of the...
Our Heavenly Father has graced us with a precious gift that we should cherish every single day – the gift...
Marriage is meant to the union between a man and a woman, a sacred covenant that binds them together for...
In the past few days I have watched small sections of two programs on the television, both on the Discovery...
One of my favorite Carols is ‘How brightly shines the Morning Star.’ This phrase was a description of Jesus who,...